100% Brand New item
Fashionable red / blue / green EGT gauge
Small size and easy installation
Output can be used for flash light or alarm
Measuring Range: -200~1300(℃)
Power : 12VDC
Display Type: RED / Blue / Green LED 4 Digits Display
Display Selectable: ºC or ºF
Sensor Input: T,R,J,B,S,K,E,WRe3-25,Cu50,Pt100
Accuracy: 0.2% FS
Resolution: 1ºC, 1°F, or 0.1°C, 0.1°F with Pt100,LED Indicators
Control mode: PID, On-off, Limit
Output mode: Relay contact: 3A at 240VAC
Power consumption: <2 Watt
Panel Cut : 44 mm x 21 mm/2*0.8''
Dimensions: 75mm (W) x 47mm (H) x 23mm(D)/3*1.9*0.9''